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60 Minute Courses

The landscape of mental health is rapidly changing. While it used to be considered the domain of specialists only, mental health is now regarded as everyone’s business. However, the training has lagged behind this expectation, and professionals are left feeling unsure about what it means for them.


These short courses are designed specifically for any professional who is working with separating families, to inform you of current terms, theories and up to date research so that you can be more confident and psychologically informed in your practice. Each course will introduce you to the theories and also give you ideas and strategies to use in your practice with families.


Each course is 60 minutes long (2 hours learning with reading etc) and is delivered live with catch-up available for all delegates.  This training will give you a greater awareness and understanding of different areas of mental health relevant to your work. You will receive a resource pack with each course, which include references and ideas for further work and a certificate on completion.


Understanding Trauma

This one hour course will clarify what is meant by trauma and will give you practical ways of making your professional practice more trauma-informed.  Systemic trauma and developmental trauma are commonly used terms, but they are often misunderstood. This introduction to trauma, specifically written for family law professionals, will provide you with greater understanding and awareness so that you can best support separating parents.


More information and booking HERE.


Neurodiveristy - What Does It Mean?

Our understanding and appreciation of different brains is rapidly expanding. This one hour course gives you an introduction to what we mean by the term 'neurodiversity'. The course will introduce you to ways of creating a neurodiverse aware practice. The knowledge and awareness you will gain from the course will also help you support separating parents who have neurodiversity in their family and require thoughtful adjustments around these needs.


More information and booking HERE.

Bringing Science To Separation So Children Can Flourish

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